Assignment Partner, Life Partner?

by - Wednesday, December 07, 2016

As a college student, I'm often involved with group assignments and group discussions. As a matter of fact, MAJORITY of my work is done in groups and only a handful of them are done individually.

My point of this blog post is to notify future college entrantson the importance of choosing the right (assignment) partner and so current college/ university students can relate to me.

because, trust me, what I'm about to say, is true.

Pick your assignment members as you would in picking a life partner. Maybe even pickier. 

Nope, I'm not kidding.

First of all, let me set it straight what I think group assignments are: A group or team of people working together toward a specific goal. Focus on the term WORKING TOGETHER.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Some people do not get this term. It is just so natural for some people to sit back and relax, let their team members do ALL the work but THEY GET CREDIT. I know, some would think (or initially think) "It's okay, we're friends, I'll do it. I won't be calculative"

For the first one or two times, we'll just let it slide, because we're friends and people would call us calculative if we were to make a big fuss over doing something for a friend. But I'm your friend, not your donkey. Help me with the workload!

I'm writing this post because, I AM TIRED.

There are some people who I work with, they'll constantly text me or ask me to check up on the progress of the the work, some will even ask me for work to do. I know, sometimes I don't give any extra work or any work because I feel that you've done enough or it's not necessary. I'm not complaining about these people because I made myself do the work. It's not your fault.

I'm talking about those who doesn't even make the effort to lift up their phone, open WhatsApp, click on my name and type "How's our assignment/project coming along? Need my help?"

"Sorry I was busy with other assignments/ part-time jobs" Erm, hello? You can open Instagram, double-tap pictures, stalk pretty girls and handsome boys all but cannot ask me this? And besides, priorities, my friend, priorities. I'd understand if you're really financially unstable but you're not. So, leave your part-time jobs for the semester breaks and get your head into the assignment.

I probably lock myself away too much but I'm not oblivious.

Not being able to do something because you have weak aspects is not an excuse. I didn't know how to do it too.. I'm learning, why can't you? I just need to see your effort invested in it.

I know, I know, people who have worked with me knows that I expect work of good quality. I hereby apologize if I ever complained or told you off when you obviously put in effort but I didn't acknowledge.

Not only that, people who do too much work. I'm sorry for sounding unreasonable at this point but please hear me out before bashing on me.

Heard of the Chinese proverb, "Don't wear a big hat if you don't have the head big enough for it" When you take on a responsibility which you are not capable of, you're not only going to get yourself into trouble but your team members too. I mean, I couldn't care less about what your expectations are for yourself (if you're doing an Individual project but please don't drag me down with you on your egoistic shit.)

If you want to experience or figure out your level of capability (or even show off to the world that you're oh-so-smart), make sure you can bear the consequences that follow or just wait till you're doing your individual assignment. Everyone has their own way of handling things. right. But when somebody else's results are in your hands, I think you should have enough decency to make it right for them or else don't take up the responsibility.

Assignments take up a HUGE part in determining your overall grade. One grade lower and you might lose your shot at getting an A. Failure does not determine anything, I know. It's okay to fail but why fail when you obviously could invest a little more time, set your priorities straight to get things right?

So, to summarize why I think choosing an assignment partner is as important as choosing your life partner. Assignments cost a fortune and not all of us could risk failing because I don't know about you but my parents are low-key struggling to put me into college/university so I could graduate, get a job and not starve to death. Even if you're born with a silver spoon or golden spoon for the matter, respect the fact that other people are struggling to even pay off their fees. Moreover, the money that's putting you into college comes from the effort of your parents.
I don't have connections with corporates. If I want to get into one, I have to polish my resume until it shines bright so I could climb the corporate ladder. In the corporate world, one flaw in your resume could put you at a disadvantage.
Lastly, to save your own life. Dealing with the kind of people I've mentioned above will make you want to murder someone or kill yourself.

So, choose your assignment partner wisely. 

Image source: Tumblr

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