Thoughts: New Era Feminism.
The title's said it all; I'm going to talk about feminism today. Not just feminism but new era feminism.
Before I start let me set out my definition of feminism; from my perspective and understanding.
To me feminism is a fight for women's rights. Back in the days, women are deprived off their rights some are even treated like animals. So from there comes about feminism women started to stand up for women, fighting for what we deserve- freedom, rights to speak, rights to pursue our dreams, rights to be no different from men and above all, to be respected.
In the earlier days of feminism campaigns, people were against the idea of feminism because it has been a norm that man would dominate and women is just the weaker gender who should be nothing but a homemaker... for lucky ones. Unlucky ones would be asked forced to be sex slaves.
Advocates of feminism are strong women who knows what they're doing. They want to be heard, to be seen and to be acknowledged for more than just their physical appearance. They want to be a part of society.
Back then it may be unknown to many what feminism is. But I believe that today, it is the opposite. Even the one who has the slightest knowledge regarding feminism knows what feminism is about.
In the past, it may be Marilyn Monroe and Eleanor Roosevelt and today we have Emma Watson and Meghan Markle as strong advocates of feminism.
These names listed above are strong and independent women who wants to be acknowledged for their work and capabilities. To be seen not just as someone with a pretty face but someone with brain and capabilities which may or may not be equivalent to men. These women depict class and grace. They demand to be respected. They deserve to be respected and they represent women.
However, today, the fight of feminism isn't the same anymore and it is disappointing. It is so far different from what those women have fought for. It is a different image. No longer the same image and I'm not sure if it gives out the right message.
I'm referring to how women portray themselves on the feminist movements nowadays. I get the "A women shouldn't have to be modest to be respected" quote and I agree too. I personally believe that it is not us who should limit ourselves in terms of dressing. But a line still has to be drawn. There's a fine line between being sexy and being slutty. The former may demand respect but I doubt anyone would want to respect the latter.
How you dress is also how you want yourself to be seen, to be treated.
In the past, advocates of feminism wear pantsuit to show power and independence. There was a time where women weren't taught to wear pants, only dresses and skirts. Thus the wearing of pantsuit is sort of rebellious; it is the beginning of feminism.
What we're trying to say today is that women should not be told how to dress, but men should be told not to rape. Yet again, participants of feminist movements are wearing tit stickers, being half naked and wearing tshirt with nsfw pictures?????? Which part may I ask of this demands respect? Yes I agree, women should not be told how to dress but is that really how YOU want to dress? Do you think it depicts class, grace and elegance? if you were to be a child again, would you respect that? Is this what you want your daughter to learn? to become?
I'm sure you don't want your daughter to reveal parts of herself just so she could fight for her rights? We claim that women's bodies are holy temples which should be treated with respect but do you think this is respect?
If I were to create a metaphor, it gives an impression of cheap stock from the night market.
I'd like to quote Simon Williams, an expert in feminism.
"Feminism is about a woman's rights to be treated equally, socially economically and politically- while never sharing any images of their own bodies, because then all bets are off. You obviously can't talk about the exploitation of women, and then put a photo of yourself in a bikini on Instagram- that is madness and hypocrisy of the highest order"
While I disagree the part on wearing a bikini because, that's still sort of acceptable(?) i don't know. But I hope you get where I'm coming from.
I know there are many different views on this and I may not be the wisest or I may not understand the exact meaning of the movement, yet. but I stand firm on my belief.
Although women deserve the rights to dress however they please without having to worry about being raped or groped, a line still has to be drawn. The way you dress shows how much you respect yourself and how much you value yourself. How do you expect people to respect you when you dress like you don't deserve to be respected.
While I praise the courage of those who are willing to wear things like that out in public, I do not approve of it as the right way to fight for feminism.