Sports Day 13' x Tambun , Ipoh

by - Sunday, July 07, 2013

Hihihi , I'm back! Miss me? oh yes you do :B
Anyways, this blogpost is to update SMKTS Sports day and Ipoh Trip to Lost world of  Tambun under Sunway on 050713 & 060713 respectively. Yeeeeeah , So, let's begin!

SMK Taman SEA 13' Sports Day x WeiEe's surprise party! 

It's the 37th sports day and yeah hhahah. I dont know how to start. but oh wells. I was one of the 'Hadiah Girl' on that day and I had to wear a Kebaya. Im not sure if it was a Kebaya , I claimed it looked like those Thai girl's outfit. The best part was , I was said to be like Nichkhun's wife by a friend of mine. *giggles* HAHAHHA. I also became a self-proclaimed Thai Princess.

The Kebaya was Green and I got size xs. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be happy or what lul. Cause its quite uncomfy la but It fitted perfectly.


The proud moment is yet to come!
Blue Team aka. Hang Jebat got second for Perbarisan and I'm a blue team wooooo. So proud. I was on the stage when they announced it so i couldn't jump and cheer but yeah , i was tempted to. Congratulations! Sorry ah , for being a betrayer cause I wear Green Kebaya instead :d

After the sports day we went to a Korean Restaurant to give WeiEe a Birthday surprise, it was more than successful. but it was one of a stressful surprise. We needed to run away from Weiee and we kept bumping into her by coincidence.
Like we could reach the destination already but cause Weiee was there we had to take a BIG round. Then we passed by the restaurant and Weiee was sitting there, so we had to hide. Planned so many surprise party before this one most stressful.
Bought a small birthday cake and surprised her. Thank god she was happy.

Pictures From Sports day ; Credits go to Ryan's camera

KitYong & I. 

Alexia , Rebekah & I

Alicia , I and Alexia

The Hadiah girl lolol and Chiang Cing and JeYu

Elaine , Rachel , KitYong & I

ChenChen & I! 

Tambun , Ipoh one day trip. 
There were 4 buses. A , B , C and D. Rebekah , Jingyee , Yasmine and I was in Bus C. So i think you can imagine how noisy is the bus already right.
It was a 2 hours+ trip to Tambun. Our first stop is the Pomelo farm. Well, I couldn't hear what the person had said cause one he was speaking mandarin , there are several words where i couldn't catch and two cause i was all the way behind. I know it's unnecessary to say this but I'm going to say this as well. The toilet got one 'hole' one haahahahah. Its like directly opposite the toilet bowl lololol. It's probably for ventilation but STILL need or not ahaha.
Then we went to MCD for lunch. Bus A and B went to another MCD , C and D went to another. Lunch was quiet , surprisingly. In about 30 minutes to 45 we left for The lost world of Tambun.

It's very small compared to Sunway Lagoon down here at KL but it's also very fun. I mean with crazy friends what also fun. Right? We rented two floats and both of them went missing. Yay bravo. Deposit gone. rm20 GONE. Whoever took it , i hope you feel guilty! Oh wait , since your number don't match the float you also cannot get the Deposit back. nenenibubu. In your face, take my float some more la.

We were supposed to leave the Theme Park at 3:45 but guess what , We ride the roller coaster at 3:45. HAHAAHA swag bu swag you tell me. But while running i hurt my feet/leg whatever. Cause I'm pretty clumsy so run halfway then my leg is like twisted , the position where you sprain your leg. Yeah , but luckily i didn't sprain my leg just got wound only. Burn like asdfghjkl I tell you. Cannot feel my leg at all. Totally.We ran cause no time , we still wanted to ride a lot of things. So yeah.

On the way home , we had quiet moments for half and hour. YEAH. 1/2 hour only then world war 3 start. Friends from the other buses text me and say that their bus very boring. So I'm pretty lucky to be in Bus C. We also watched horror movie on the bus. When the horror part is coming , someone would purposely shout in the back so everyone get startled.

Our trip officially ended at 6 something almost 7. It was a great experience cause I never go Theme park with friends before. Very sad that It ended , I hope the school will plan more trips like these. Especially next year since it's my last yer in SMKTS.

I'm going to end this post with a selfcam of Jingyee , Yasmine and I

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