Blog my day : Hari Raya open house !

by - Sunday, August 03, 2014

Believe it or not, today was like my FIRST hari raya open house. Yeah you read it right , first. I have never been to another race's open house and I think it's awesooooooome. Although not much difference from the usual open houses I attend but its just nice ( can't find a suitable word ) to be able to interact with other races and all. Idk Im just really happy hahahah.
Rest of this post will be just. Pictures.
Yeah I know , my blog has become a version of Dayre HAHAHAH.
Outfit of the day. Kebaya borrowed from my aunt. I need to go kebaya and saree shopping HAHAH. After SPM. ( Nowadays , Everything I say I want to do will usually end with "after spm" #potongstim but #itzliddat )
Ootd with ah lian 3. Because we're the only ones in traditional clothings hahaha.
With the host , Solehah ! Thank you for the invite agaaaaain. Hahahaha. Shall hang out soon again !
Ah Lian Generation ♥ Here's to many many many more silly moments together and I hope no matter how many times we argue or when our opinions dont match , we will never be seperated. Even if ribut taufan comes.
I will save all the other cheesy words for my speech on your wedding ok hahaha.
5 Jasmin ftw.
Ah Lians + Ah bengs gang minus Andrew.
Solo picture with Solehah.
Rebekah & Jingyee
The nicer polaroids always isnt mine. always. TT
With the annoying bij haha ily.
And some unnecessary selcas and whatnots :p
And yes i have totally forgotten about my planned post HAHAHAHAHA.
After SPM la .
jks. I will try to do it. But it needs alot of prep and well .
hahahaha. Till I blog again ★
And Selamat Hari Raya to all ★

Posted via Blogaway

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