RotiCanai Appreciation post

by - Monday, December 15, 2014

For the 5 years that I have been in high school, I have met all sorts of people. People I admired, People I have loved , People I hated and people that just hanged around.

but I must say, of all people I have met and interacted with, I am most comfortable with you guys. Being around you guys makes me feel happy. I can be however crazy I want around you guys because you guys are equally crazy as well. Because I feel that you guys will never judge me no matter what. What I'm going to do, What I did, What I feel, I know that I can always tell you guys without doubt because I know that you guys will listen and not judge me. Not judge me behind my back that is :p

You guys are like my pillar of support. You guys are family to me. I hope that one day , even when the whole world has their back turned towards me , you guys won't. I don't want to turn my back towards you guys, ever. If I do one day, with my permission and this post as proof, please ask Raja Mohan to kill me HAHAH.

I am thankful for fate have made it so that our paths intersected and we could be part of each other's life. I am thankful for our happy times in class where we would just talk about the future, to even death and then look at each other with watery eyes because we are that scared that we would never be able to hear each other's reply or see each other sitting there. I am thankful for our gossiping sessions , giving people weird names and laughing at every silly thing they do. I am also thankful for our arguments and disagreements. Why? because it means that we still have something left to fight for. We should be worried if we don't even bother to argue.

I like it how that sometimes, we miss each other so much that we started talking as if we're couples who are just too overly attached. And sometimes, we don't even bother replying each other. I also love how you guys give me good advices and ridiculous ways to solve my problems because one, it proves that you guys are there for me. and Two, it makes me laugh until I feel so much better.

" There is no such thing as forever friends. Friends come and go. And often, people are only friends with you because you are beneficial to them. If you have 1 close friend, you are lucky and if you have 2, you are blessed. " - Dad

My dad often tells me that when I rant to him about how stupid people can be and how much I hate people.

I have 5. 5 friends that aren't friends with me only because I am beneficial to them. 5 friends that are really my friend. and I think that if what my dad says is true, then I am beyond blessed. Other people can tell me otherwise, I don't care. To me, they are friends that I'd like to call true friends and that's all that matters to me.

You guys can never leave me. I know I told you guys this a lot of times already and I'm gonna repeat it again and again until you guys wanna cut off my vocal cord, DONT LEAVE ME. Even after you have new friends, new life and new everything but please don't cut off contact with me. For I fear that I won't be able to find a replacement for you guys.

We said that we want to attend each other's wedding. We said that we want to travel together. We said that we want to do all sorts of things together. Let's be friends long enough to do it. Let's be friends to the extent that our parents go " Oh no not them again " whenever they see us.


Yasmine, this is for you hahah. You can be the most annoying person on earth just playing with my hair when I'm listening to teacher or doing I don't know what to me that at times I just wanna shoot you HAHA. But then , its what I'll miss most about you when I go to college. I don't think that I can find another Yasmine Wong who laughs and acts so adorably like a little kid. Also I don't think that I can find anyone who straight up tells me that I'm a turn off right in my face when I'm hyper :P I love your wise advices, although you look like a kid and sometimes act like one. but It's very obvious that you don't think like one. I like how that you're so simple minded and you're so cheerful. We better go to the gym soon and transform ourselves to become hot HAHAHA.

  Jingyee, this for you. My vain partner also my personal photographer. We have telepathy stronger than anything. Basically you're my partner for everything la hahahah, lou gu po, shopping, dancing, cafe, fa qiao. I wonder what's next :p Although we'll be separated next year, but we better still go out often for cafe hopping and shopping plus vaining in KL. Remember our Korea trip too. Tbh, I am least worried about us losing contact because we have so much in common. 4eternity , SYLPHIX. But still, I'm worried hahaha. because anything can happen, right. We will both work on finding friends in college and we need to smile often. Maybe We should text each other every hour just to remind each other to smile. Also, I beg you. Drive safely :p As much as we're both so convinced that we would end up as lou gu po's , we shall try not to be HAHAAH despo max :P . By 35, if we see no signs of marriage, I teman you and you teman me go for speed dating or match making la HAHAHAH.

This is for you Gita. You gorgeous woman. Rewind 2 years and I can never imagine us being THIS close. You're like the mom in our group. You sound like a mom. Sound only ah, you same same crazy like us :p I think that I'm quite glad to see sides of you that no one will ever see hahaha. Can you not MIA our group chat so often please :p You make me think that you'll leave us :( I cry HAHA. I want to be the bridesmaid at your wedding, I don't care if its in India, I WANT TO BE THERE :P You need to take me Saree shopping and I'll take you cheongsam shopping :3 You need to take my daughter Saree shopping too, and my granddaughter hahahah. You are so sentimental at times but it's okay, because I am too and we shall cry together. :) Be a successful lawyer and I'll be a successful someone in a Bank and we'll sue our enemies to bankruptcy ;D See who still dare to bully us and our roti canais hehe. 

yo yo Jason. I only have this picture of us laa. Take another nicer one next time okay!!!! Anywayyyys, we were close since primary and lost contact in Secondary school until form 4. PS; thank god you chose arts stream or else we'll still be distant :P Among the 6 of us, you're the least expected one to be crazy HAHAHA because you seem so ... formal? :p It's great to be close again haha we started off a bit awkward and all but hey look at us now HAHAHAH. The things you say can be so epic especially when it comes to cheering people up and I must say that your facial expression is often priceless. Also a good tutor, like really good hahaaha. But really, is there anything that you're not good at? :3 You must take us to Ipoh one day okayyy. We go there and makan makan all. 

Ah you. Disappear some more during prom la :p No picture. hahaha kiddings, I understand why you disappeared la. Picture can take next time :3 You often drive me mad as our opinions can be really different and provided your ego so we would end up arguing over the tiniest thing. Although among the 6 of us, I argue with you the most but yet you're the first one that I always turn to. ( I'm sorry roti canais :p ) And thank you for sometimes being so quick to reply esp when I need advices on how to respond to some people hahah ahem :p You also another one who always MIA in our group. You also make me worry that you might leave us alrd. IM SO ANNOYING I KNOW but deal with it ;p . One more important thing that I must thank you, for turning me into the monster I am today hahaha. If not I sure still damn timid and let people step all over me one. So thank you :*


I hope you guys aren't tearing by now hahaha. I almost teared up at some parts.

But all in all,

I hope we last.

Let us last.

I don't want to lose this friendship, everr.

Let death do us part.

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