Confessions of a Prom Organizer

by - Tuesday, December 16, 2014

By now, I suppose prom is over when this post goes up on my blog. And I hope that it was a success. hahaha yes i'm blogging part of this like a week before prom and will only be up after prom because well, i thought I shall do it when the feel is there. because people should know about this and I hope that they shall not, ever take organizers for granted ever again. I know I won't because I know how hard it is.

But first, to my juniors who plan on organizing prom in the future, here's a piece of advice from me. Only take up prom planning if in your year there isn't as many problem causing like I have in my form because they take all the fun away from prom planning.

" Prom planning should be fun ! "

Yeah, it is, When you plan on the theme and the hotel location and the food menu, Yeah, it sure is fun. It is one heck load of fun.

What isn't fun is, getting the payment. You need to understand that the money isn't for us. Its the hotel's money. They demand the payment to be made ASAP and if YOU don't make the payment , what are we gonna pay with? Ourself? Collecting payment is awkward and hard. and it makes me feel like a loan shark  and it makes me feel like shit. Everytime I need to text people and remind them to pay and pay and pay. Do you think it feels good? Why can't you just take the initiative to pay?

Do you know how many times we begged the hotel to let us delay payment? Do you know how pathetic we look? Business is Business, no money no talk. We could lose the hall just like that because we couldn't pay up.

And the next one. You know for this segment there will be no Disclaimer or whatnots saying it is not meant to offend anyone well because IF YOU ARE OFFENDED THEN YOU ARE THE ONE THAT OFFENDED US AND SERVE YOU RIGHT.

Don't you fucking tell me that I look for trouble myself because prom planning was supposed to be more fun than stress but you guys made it the opposite. YOU. Assholes.

Going around spreading rumours about how Gita is a bitch and all. C'mon you are 17. Fucking grow up! If you wanna be part of the committee, just say so! Yeah , I know we 'kicked' some people out in the beginning because everyone in their right minds know that they aren't very capable of managing. but later on, halfway through planning,WE KICKED NO ONE OUT. They pulled out.

The very best part, you guys just claim that we came in and kicked you guys out when you guys started first? HELLO! Mind you, we talked nicely to collab and everything. We didnt just come in and KICK you guys out. If we are even capable of that, I don't think I'll just kick you guys out. I'll probably just get rid of you because you were a fucking pain in the ass for us. We needed to manage prom AND keep up with  our studies. How much more inconsiderate can you get, really?

nahh you probably think with your butts.

" But you guys are the one who started a fight on your FB page! "

 Erm, yeah that. I admit it is our fault. but have you ever asked us WHY we did it? Yeah one reason was the last time he came and complain about the hotel's location etc etc etc , so we just assumed that he was trying to pick a fight. Ok, maybe sometimes we do think with our butts as well ( but not as much as you do - by you, i dont refer to all readers, just those who pissed us off and made things harder for us )

Other reasons that caused us to think that he was picking a fight was well, because of you idiots. Yeah you guys again. Gita wasn't friends anymore with people she was friends with just because of prom. the group of people who go against us is well, not really against the prom theme , location and etc etc. They just hate us. HA HA HA HA childish suckers. Do you know how to separate personal matters with business? Guess not. Well, good luck in life !

Oh my I have so much confessions to make HAHAHH. I'm sorry but I really, just have to do this. I don't need acknowledgements from you. I just want you to know what sort of things we went through just to bring prom to you all thanks to some brainless people. And NEVER to take organizers for granted.

Nobody told me this to my face. Well, i guess they just didn't have the guts to but they did it behind my back. Yeah, It's totally none of my problem if these people are strangers AND if i didnt hear it. But sadly I heard it and these people are my friends. Or so i thought they were. They said prom would fail. Of course my blood boiled! How much effort and time we put into this and you can proudly tell your group of friends that it'll fail?

Ah yes. This one more. Who cares if it's not related to prom. You don't offend me or even my friends. The old jiawen who just let people step all over her and keep quiet? Well too bad for you she is long gone.

Don't be a bunch of batu api. Don't cause more trouble than there already is. There's this person, the fight wasn't even related to him but well, this person here. Insulted my friend, which is also a part of the committee. Yeah, she did reply to them. Yeah It was a bit rude. BUT what does that have gotta do with you huh asshole. You need to insult her? What's funny is, until today, this person never apologized. NEVER. At least we apologized to the people we offended. This person? he never did.

Just to organize a prom for you all and this is what we get?

Despite all the shit some assholes put us through, there are a bunch of people who stood up for us and stand by us. And I am really thankful for that. You guys know who you are. ( just like how the assholes know who they are ) I appreciate every bit of your support. Thank you in believing in us. Without the support and encouragements from you guys, we would've gave up long ago. We wouldn't have succeed. Prom wouldn't be the same.

Also, thank you to our CUTE LITTLE circle of friends who attended. You guys were awesome.

Nonetheless, against us or not , our supporters or not , I hope you enjoyed and may this 2014 Senior prom be one of the nights that you will, never forget.

Till I blog again, x

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