
by - Wednesday, November 02, 2016

I'm not heartbroken, nor mad. I'm just disappointed, amused and curious. 

I'll admit to the fact that I'm a very naive person. I still believe in fairy tales. I still believe that one day, someday my "prince charming" will come. I guess turning 19 also means that I get to see the world from a broader, crueler perspective.

There is no prince charming. Only guys who thinks that they're all that and try to con people's feelings just because they can.

I'm disappointed because I can't believe that someone can play another person's feelings and not feel guilty or be bothered about it at all. Where is your conscience? Have you got no heart at all? Do you think that another person's feelings is something you can toy with? Aren't you ashamed?

I feel ashamed for you. I feel ashamed that we're both humans. I feel ashamed because I trusted your words. I trusted a liar.

I don't know why I keep meeting jerks hahahaa. I give up.

Screw all of you.

Maybe I am mad.

Who am I kidding. Of course I am. You toyed with me because you thought I was vulnerable. You knew I would believe you because I looked like I would believe anything anyone told me.

Screw you for thinking that I am that vulnerable. or stupid.

You're the stupid one.

I'm amused because these people don't feel a punch of guilt or anything hahhaha. I find it quite funny and entertaining. I was mad. But then it became sympathy. I sympathize you for not knowing how to feel guilt or be remorseful for what you have done.

You're so pathetic I can't even brain it.

Just so if any person who is reading this likes to play with people's feelings, please do leave a comment down below (anonymously) and tell me why do you do what you do or if you feel any guilt at all. I'm really really really curious.

Oh, if you're reading this (you know who you are), know that I still think you're hilarious hahahaha. I'm still confused whether to be mad at you or to sympathize you. Maybe I should just laugh at how thick your skin is.

And this is probably the most unladylike thing I can ever say but this is what anger and disappointment does to you.

"You have so much dick in your personality that I think there's none left in your pants"

(because you don't even dare to admit to what you've done right hahahaha. Coward.)

If you're going to make me a piece in your game, don't be surprised when I decide to play along.

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