An Open Letter to My Parents

by - Monday, December 19, 2016

Dear Pa, Aunty, and Yima,

First off, thank you for dealing with my temper and occasional tantrums. I know that I am hard to handle at times and come off as cool and ignorant but know that deep down I cherish you all more than anything in the world and I cannot deal with the thought of losing any of you. Others may have only one pair of parents but I have 1.5 pair of parents. Each of you play a different role in my life. Therefore, I'm breaking this letter down into 3 parts:- 

♥ Dear Pa, 
You're the one person that I look up to the most and whenever I need help, I'd go to you because I know that you'll solve whatever questions that I have and after I have listened to your advice, I'm always better off. Time has proven this as there are times where I didn't want to be burdensome so I ended up not consulting you and I was sort of lost. However, through time I have also learned that you are not perfect. Not everything you do or say is right and I should not blame or hold you responsible for everything because you too are only human. Just like Camie and I, you're learning to be a better father while we're learning to be better daughters. I'm sorry for the times where I have held you liable for my shortcomings. I know some things are already written in the stars and cannot change.Thus, we can only do our best. 

You've done your best. I believe among all the fathers I know, you're the strongest and bravest yet the most loving. I know it breaks your heart when something happens to Camie or I. Which is why I am now learning to put on a strong face in order not to worry you. I will not lie and say that you have provided me with everything I've ever wanted but you've provided me with things I've ever needed. 

Don't worry about me. I'll do well. I'll make sure that I'll be one of the most fruitful investment you have ever made in your entire life.

daddy and my mantao face

♥ Dear Aunty, 
I bet plenty of people are wondering why am I calling you "aunty" instead of mum but I'll let that story be only between us. You're the best at giving surprises. From buying me sanitary pads as Christmas Presents to planning a vacation for my birthday. But of course, that's not the only thing I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for when you are on my side and try to persuade pa to help me get what I want, for making sure that I don't cuss too much and for making sure that everything is in place. It is safe to say that you're the life of our little family. Because of you I got closer to Pa, because of you he started opening up and controlled his temper. Also, because of you our little family can be considered close to perfect. 

Just like pa, you never complimented me but this year, on my birthday, you told me that you were proud of me and all. I nearly cried. There and then, I wished that I could stick to you and pa for the rest of my life. Although you both constantly joke to marry me off soon but Don't worry, this annoying little girl of yours will be around more for quite a long time to annoy you and be a lightbulb when you're together.

Mama Chan

♥ Dear Yima, 
They say when one door closes, another opens. You're the reason why I believe that this adage is true. You're the greatest blessing my guardian angel could have given Camie and I. You looked after Camie and I when pa was busy working and had no time for us. You let us know what family was since we were young. You turned me into this young woman I am today. If I were to be raised without you, I have no idea what kind of Tomboy I'd become or how horrid my fashion sense would be. Now when people tell me I dress well and I present myself well, the credit all goes to you for teaching and letting me explore. 

You give me life related and finance planning advice. You're the balance to my dad's authoritarian discipline because you allow us to decide for ourselves but yet be strict at the same time. You're also the first person who had taken the two of us abroad on a plane. You're the person who introduced me to the oh-so-wonderful Thailand and the oh-so-addictive Korean Drama. You're selfless with your love, you don't mind going the extra mile to ensure that people around you are alright. You taught me that life is actually not as complicated- if you want it, get it; or don't even think about it.

I was like a piece of white cloth and the three of you each plays significant role into designing me. Whether I end up being a floor mat or a designer piece. I don't know for sure if I'll be part of a designer piece but I'm sure that I am not a piece of floor mat. Therefore, Thank You. 

Love, Jiawen 

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