Nerd Life: How to Study

by - Friday, February 10, 2017

I, hereby confess that although I label myself as a "nerd", I hate studying.

Don't get me wrong, I love writing and reading still. I just don't like writing reports or reading textbooks because let's be honest here, it's not even interesting and the writers take 3 paragraphs to get to the main point which consists of like, 3 sentences. 😒

I know every student feels the same. They hate studying. Some completely hate even the thought of it but some are motivated to study at the start of a semester then lose motivation in the 3rd week or so. But what must be done has to be done; whether you like it or not.

However, studying will never put you at a disadvantage in the future. Moreover, it's our duty as kids to study, graduate, get a decent job and be a useful human being; and not leeching off our parents.

I'm no top scorer or whatnot but there are a few things that I do to keep my grades up and to prevent me from failing my tests. These methods are no rocket science methods; they are just some that I've reinvented throughout the years.

If you're someone who understands and sees the clearer picture by writing things out and understanding theories behind something then, my method might just be for you. However, even if you're not, it wouldn't hurt to try because who knows you could reinvent it to suit your own style right? Never try, never know.

Write Notes 

Every friend of mine will know that this is what I do and swear by- making notes. My notes are often colorful and neatly written because I hate dull and messy things. Which sort of opposes some posts on Facebook which says that messy people are more creative. While it may be true, i personally think it is just some sorry excuse to keep being lazy haha ( please don't bash me )

My notes are a more simplified version of textbooks and lecture slides. I read the original materials, understand them and write it into my notes in my own words. However, I don't let my notes defer that much from the original because there are lecturers who mark papers based on keywords- certain words that will determine the validity of your answers.

Welcome to the world where you study not to gain knowledge but basically to pass your exams.

Moreover, a plus side to creating neat notes is that you can keep it for future references. I'm sure in the future when you're working or something, you'll need something to refer you back to theories and definitions.

Plain and messy notes are sometimes effective too. I usually make messy notes which are a shorter version of my first notes and they only contain important keyword without elaboration. I make messy notes mainly to test my understanding and if I will be able to elaborate or write during the real exams. They probably aren't notes that I would want to keep but they do serve as a temporary short-note in which you can bring out and chug in your bag because you wouldn't mind if it were to get torn or crumpled.

If you don't think that you're hardworking enough to make notes from scratch, you can try printing lecture slides (if your lecturer provides them) and make mini notes at the sides. This is recently my go-to method because well, I'm only getting lazier as the days pass.

↠ Read

Read, Read and Read. Read as much as you can and everything that you can. Yes, that includes your notes. But on the other hand, I would suggest you read other materials as well. It could be blogs, Tumblr or newspapers. Even Novels would work. The main key here is to improve your knowledge, understanding and vocabulary. 

Like what my dad always tell me: Just read it. Even if you don't understand it now it's okay because you'll eventually understand it one day if you start now; It doesn't need to be a lot- an article a day and it'll make up to 365 articles a year.


I have a pretty pathetic memory. Which means that I take more time to memorize something than to actually understand it. Yes, I have goldfish memory. Many people hate understanding things because it takes more effort than memorizing.

In my opinion, understanding is better than memorizing is not only because I can't memorize quickly but it's because it's more practical. Practical in a way that you'll remember it longer and even if in your exams, your lecturer put it in another way, you could still answer it because you understood. If you had memorized it, you would've been confused because it looks entirely different from what you have studied, but in actual fact, it's the same.

This would come especially in handy if you're pursuing tertiary education. Every course is linked to another. In order to understand Macroeconomics, you would first have to understand the basics of Microeconomics and if you were to do Financial or Management accounting, you would have to understand the basics of debiting and crediting as well as it's fundamental theories.

You can't learn to run if you haven't learned to walk.

⇥ Don't do last minute

In secondary school, I'm all about last minute work- I won't start an assignment unless it dues next week and I won't study for exams until I have 2 weeks left to cover the syllabus of 9 subjects in the course of the entire year. But I changed my strategy when I entered college. At first, it was because I wanted to maintain my scholarship. But after that, it became a habit and honestly, it lifted a ton of weight off my shoulders. Now, I refuse to do last minute work.

It is still stressful for me during final exams season but it is not as stressed out as compared to if I don't study at all. When I study since the first day of the semester, I briefly know the fundamental theories and all, so by the time it was finals, all I had to do was refresh what I knew and maybe I could even further understand on the theory which could secure my grades even better.

⇸ Keep Track 

Make a schedule, make a to-do list, set reminders, whatever it is, make sure that you know what you're supposed to do and tackle it all properly. Spread out your time based on your own situation or capability.

I wouldn't recommend you to keep a study schedule since the start of your semesters because I don't even do that myself. It hard to maintain and when you fail to, you'll get demotivated. Moreover, you should also have a life besides just studying. Balance is key. Exactly like the old adage, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". I typically make a "Final Exam Study Schedule" just about two to three weeks before finals.

The best way to keep track is to keep a diary or a planner. It is a very typical thing that entrepreneurs do and it is a good habit to follow. I only started keeping a proper planner since last year and my life turned out more organized than usual. I know my due dates and I never make double dates. Besides, it'll also help you maintain your motivation.

⇸ No excuses

Take your excuses and put it in the shredder then burn it and never see it again. Excuses are the worse thing. This and the previous one not only applies to studies but your entire life as well. I always have excuses for things not done or things that are poorly done. When used appropriately, it is called reasons. Abuse it and it will become excuses; no you will not be excused.

There was once I gave myself an excuse to slack because I was too busy filming so I didn't have time to study and I was exhausted so I deserved a break. I gave myself all these excuse when I has an accounts quiz in the next few days. As expected, I did bad. So bad that I couldn't forgive myself for it only to realize that I'm the only person to blame.

I gave an excuse to myself for not studying and it definitely did not excuse me from getting a bad grade. That's exactly what excuses do to you- get you in more trouble than you initially were in. What if I didn't give myself that excuse and burnt the midnight oil? Worst case scenario: I would just be down with a migraine which could go away with a painkiller but a bad grade? it wouldn't go away even if I were to take 10 pills now would it?

Therefore, no excuse. Don't find any excuse for yourself because you will not be excused from any consequence that follows. If you have to study for your finals, do it. If you have to burn a midnight oil, do it.

⇸ Organize

Again, being messy is not a sign for smarter people okay. If anything, it makes me demotivated. I can't stand seeing a pile of messy notes in my bag or in my file. I just wouldn't want to study. You could say that I have OCD but that's probably not it because I don't mind having my notes a little folder at the sides or whatnot because that's signs that I studied hard and it makes me feel satisfied but my notes has to be in one place. Like it has to be arranged according to chapters and subjects and everything has to be clearly written nicely- Blue is for questions and Black is for answers. Calculations for a question has to be attached right behind the question and not elsewhere.

Being organized helps me see a clearer picture of what has to be done and if I have done them all. It gives me security because I know for sure that everything I need to know is right here in this pile of binded papers. Plus, it mkaes things much easier for when I want to sort it out after I am done with my exams.

⇸ Do your best

Once you have done your best, it's sufficient. Don't have to compare things with other people because different people have different capabilities and strengths and there'll always be someone better. Don't beat yourself up when you have done your best but couldn't achieve the result that you had wanted because you'll lose your motivation and after all that you have done, you deserve a pat on the back, for surviving.

Effort is all that counts. Provided that you know deep down, honestly, cross your heart that you have done your best and not just for the sake of saying it to give yourself an excuse of not working hard enough. You'll always reap what you sow.

Love, Jiawen

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