Dear Life: In 2018,
I will stop wishing I was someone else
In 2018, I will stop comparing my life with others and wonder why others have it better than me. Everyone's life is an entirely different story and no two are exactly the same. Wondering why others have it better than you is pointless.
Comparing won't do any good, either. It doesn't matter who travels to most country during the year, who has better lifestyle or who has more Instagram likes and followers. These do not matter because at the end of the day, you could have traveled to 20 countries within the year, visit all trending cafes and have a hundred thousand followers but you are still not satisfied or enough. Thus, leading you back to square one.
There will always be someone who has it better than you and of course, you are better off than another person. Comparing and wishing that you were someone else won't bring you any benefit and it is a waste of time.
Your progress is entirely yours and you'll have your moment. The same as someone else's progress is entirely theirs, they may look like they have it all but you'll never know what they're going through.
Appreciate what you currently have and make the most our of your life. Write a bestseller.
Drink more water
In 2018, I will drink as much water as possible because water is good for me. It promotes health and we need to be healthy in order to get the most out of life. In addition to that, water also helps promote healthy skin which is a win-win because then I get to save on skincare products.
Bring a bottle of water out every time so that there are no excuse for not drinking water. Besides, this help to deter you away from sugary drinks which means no extra calories and you don't have to buy water outside (Save, again!)
Work hard- constant performance
In 2018, DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT half ass anything. Put your whole ass in it and give it your all because you will always reap what you sow. Luck can only go so far; Talent will only take you so far; effort tops everything. Since you're already at it, just give it your all. If you succeed, you'll feel sooo good and so proud of yourself which increases your confidence and self-worth but if you don't, you'll have to bear in mind that you have done your best and whatever that can go wrong, will go wrong.
Stop giving excuses and just do it. Don't half ass it just because it is hard. Don't half ass it just because it is easy.
Stop overthinking things and just enjoy life as it is
Bad things and good things will always come to an end and it is inevitable. Again, whatever that can go wrong will go wrong so just live the moment. Each moment is all you need and nothing else (Mother Theresa).
If you're in a bad phase, learn from it and let the struggle make you stronger. It will end eventually. Although it may get worse and it may seem like it's the end of the world, it isn't. If you're in a good phase, enjoy it and never let it get to your head that this happiness is only temporary and that it will end soon. If it ends, it ends. You can't do anything about it. Might as well just enjoy the happiness as it is.
In life there are always the good part and the bad part. Whatever that's meant to happen will happen and although it may break you, you have the power to mend yourself again. The mending process will be hard and you'll never be the same again but hey, you're on your way to building your own empire.
So don't worry about it, you'll be able to handle whatever life throws your way. I know you can.
Read more (Write more)
Never stop learning. Never stop working your brain, never stop feeding yourself with knowledge and never stop imagining.
The world is constantly changing and you can't change how the world works but you can make yourself adapt to the world. You need knowledge to improve yourself and to make the most out of life.
Don't be afraid of expressing your thoughts and your heart. Write it our, draw it out and let it out. You never know what your content can do to the world. You'll never know what expressing your thoughts could do to you.
Never stop exploring the world and exploring your thoughts. Life is an art. Create your own art and appreciate the art of others.
Never stop reading and writing just because people claim it to be too nerdy. Never stop even if everyone you know is laughing at you.
If reading and writing is nerdy, then so be it. Just be nerdy.
You will thank yourself for this.
Stop expecting so much from people
Expectations will always, always lead to disappointment. Never expect people to realize your worth because just as they are too busy observing themselves to notice your flaws, they are too busy admiring themselves to acknowledge your worth. Never let your value be dependent on what others perceive you to be.
If you think that you're a queen, then you are a queen. Nobody has the rights to tell you otherwise.
Expecting also means putting your happiness and life in the hand of others. Don't do that. Your life is nobody else's but yours. Be responsible for it and make things happen on your own.
Just because someone seems like they're nice and all that, still, don't expect anything from them. Don't magnify their actions.
Minimalism- Mindful spending
Elegance is not from what you wear but the aura you have. Simplicity is the key to elegance and class is not trend, but style.
Be sure to identify needs from wants. Whatever you can live without, you don't need. If you keep buying things you don't need today, you will have to sell things you need one day.
Minimalism also prevents cluttering which means less cleaning and less mess. Minimalism encourages you to make use of what you have and never think that obtaining something more will help make you happy. It does not necessarily happen that way.
Just because you can afford it, doesn't mean that you need to buy it. Savings can bring as much happiness as spending.
Occasional splurge is okay, but not splurging every time you get your payslip.
Love yourself before you love others. You cannot give from an empty bottle. You have to fill yourself with love in order to give out love to others. Self-love is not selfish (of course, there has to be a line drawn to it. Too much and it'll be self absorbed). Those who truly love you would want you to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin.
Have courage to be kind
It takes courage to be kind. It takes even more courage to be kind to someone who is or who was unkind to you at some point. How they treat you is their karma, not yours. You shouldn't punish yourself because of someone else.
Try your best to be kind to everyone even if you're not feeling it. It's not called fake, it's called courtesy. It's called a way of life. It is also called, self worth.
Don't bring yourself too low.
(Disclaimer: Be kind but of course still have the power to tell people to fuck off when necessary).
When all else fails, smile
When all fails, just smile.
Naturally having an RBF doesn't mean that you should submit to it and make it as an excuse for not smiling.
Sometimes, smiling is even deadlier than a cold stare. #justsaying