Pattaya, Thailand Day 2 : Amazone Water Park

by - Friday, August 14, 2015

I work up rather early that morning ( or not, because malaysia is one hour later haha ) then got ready and head down to the hotel's restaurant for buffet <3 Am i the only one that loves Breakfast buffet? ( yeah i actually prefer breakfast buffet over any other lolol )

Our very nice view ahahaahha . Maybe not that nice... but the lighting sibeh good for picture taking!

eheheh hi good lighting dont judge
out of topic, should i trim my bangs or outgrow it.. cant decide if i want my go eun byul hair or wht

I super love how they serve their juices in glass bottles liddis. So picture worthy lo

Pastries for breakfast because why not? 

Awful tasting yogurt in a pretty jar 

Perks of not being the full-time photog during your holidays, you get candid shots of yourself that looks.. pretty decent AHAH

 I don't know how taking a picture of my sis' plush puppy turned into this HAHAAH

Siam @ Siam's Main Lobby.

While waiting for our taxi, we had some extra time so we went around taking pictures ahahah

 I didn't know that my hair was THIS long tbh

Love love love this pic of us. Good lighting really makes EVERY picture look good eh

Dearest Aunty and I ^^v 

From the day we took this pic till today, i cannot stop laughing 

The journey from our hotel to the theme park took approximately 30 minutes. I remembered we did some crazy stuff in the car on the way there but i couldnt really remember hahahah I think we danced to random kpop songs xD 

This is what happens when you put the 3 of us ( cousin bro, sis and I ) in the back row of the van HAHA

Mandatory group selfie ! :D

Mandatory entry band picture heheheh find my hand.

This is the most chi gek body surfing slide ( i have ever rode ) ever i swear. It has a freaking steep drop. A DROP. And you're head down so imagine it hahahahah. If it weren't for the super duper high stairs, i'd ride it over and over again.

All the rides are super fun ( and involves a drop ) . I cant find a slide there that DOESNT have a drop. I rode this ride which is in a closed tube. I couldn't really remember it's name but it has a 90 degree drop and I can't scream because all the water was going into my nose and mouth wtf.

for the ride, You'd have to go into a capsule with your arms and leg crossed before they open the platform and you'll experience a sudden drop. So I was inside, getting ready nicely, waiting for the fall that didnt happen. So i looked outside and at the next slide then... *WHOOSH* the thing open and i was totally unprepared. Nearly died. but it was worth a try

So much twisting and twirling involved that i didnt know how i ended up on the first slide when i was initially on the third...

Vortex ride that wasn't that scary but it lingered in the closed vortex for so long that we thought that we were stuck AHAHAH so we were like oh no oh no oh shit oh shit HAHAHA

My tatoos from Lovisa that costed me a fortune... until i found tatoos that is RM10 for 3pcs. Kill me please.
but it's ok, this set from Lovisa has flash tatoos as well

Pad Thai 
It tasted like a healthier version of char kuey teow ahaha

 Super duper good pork satay <3 
All the pork in Thailand is super good 
I know i said this in the prev post ahhaha

This is no ordinary wave pool. The wave is super duper huge hahaha not like those in sunway lagoon, wanna big cannot big, 
Can literally fly people away one ahahah . The sister and I flew damn far and hit super alotttt of people ( oops ). Unintentionally la. My aunt said I looked like i was gonna fly till dk where. 

 If there was an award for the most sampat squad, We'd get nominated. 

After spending a day at the water park and got ( nearly ) roasted, we took off to out next destination! Pattaya Floating Market.
You see, in my mind i had this image that it'd be almost like the one i went in Hatyai 
Boy was I wrong. This one is abit too commercialized that we had to pay an entrance fee of RM20 per person if i have not mistaken ( CRAZY ) 
And things in there are not that cheap..

Hanging bridges will be the death of me i swear. I'd rather not cross if I need to go through a hanging bridge cause one, I cant swim so its horrifying to think that the bridge might break anytime soon. And 2, Its high and i think i had a slight phobia for heights? Idk I can handle the heights at the water park which was WAY higher but I cant handle this LOLOL


^ A korean took that pic for us and he was so happy when we said " Kamsahabnida " instead of Thank You
BUT! this genius here thought he was from china. ( What? there was so many Chinese tourist there you cant possibly blame me ) And so i spoke mandarin to him ahahahaha thank god he understood.

Roasted pork <3 


Grilled Sotong that tasted like rubber hahaha

Oh Zhian 
Oyster Omelette the Thai way 

Brace yourselves for a series of grainy selcas from my phone euehheheeh

In the ALCAZAR theater. 

Alcazar is a musical which consists of lady-men lip syncing to songs from around the globe. Apparently it's a must-see for tourist. So we went and watch since it was so highly recommended right. 

During the show i was awe-strucked countless of times by their stage setting , the actress' ( or should i say actor ) gorgeousness and their costume !

I don't know how many of those on stage are transgenders but, they are ALL so gorgeous . I also lose 99 . I don't know to be ashamed or what that a guy is more fabulous than I am. Self Esteem straight gone. 

This concludes my day 2 in Pattaya. Head back to hotel after that. Washed up and straight sleep till the next morning... 

actually not my uncle bought Thai Roti Canai back for us so we had supper hehehehe. 
Thai Roti Canai is superrr good k. Dont compare it with Malaysia's. It's different :p 

Till I blog again, Goodnight x 

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