Thoughts: The Happiest Smile,

by - Wednesday, December 20, 2017

hides the deepest pain.

When someone is laughing on the street, can you claim that he or she is happy and contented with life? Contented, maybe. Happy, not exactly. This theory is exactly same with the measurement of the GDP of a country. GDP is the best measure of the standards of living but it cannot measure the quality of life and how happy the citizens are.

Smiles make you think that they're happy. Maybe they are, at that point of time. Maybe they even claim to be but if u search their heart you'll find that they're not really that happy and that maybe they're just trying to conceal everything because "Fake it until you believe it" or maybe they just didn't want to admit their sorrows and frustrations.

I am a loyal practitioner of this and I often talk myself into thinking that I am happy and that everything is okay. Yes, I talk to myself but you know as much as I'm trying to convince myself sometimes it just doesn't work and I break down into a million pieces. All my sorrows and frustrations slaps me in the face and all my efforts in trying to be happy just go to waste. Because when I breakdown, oftentimes I do not know what are the exact reasons...

Maybe it is everything combined

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