Thoughts: Numbers.
I was reading a minimalist blog when I thought of this. I mean I had always known how unimportant numbers and stats can be when it comes to measuring the quality of life but it just never sits in my head. At the end of the day, I'd still be fussing over the amount of likes, follower turnover, my weight, my height and everything else.
As I was reading that post, it occurred to me that sometimes it's not that I want to obsess over numbers but it's because of the influence of people around me. People around me are constantly discussing about their weight or height and comparing each other's followers and Instagram likes; as well as talk about another's. I know it sounds like I'm hanging around a bunch of shallow people but you really can't blame them because this is how society works nowadays. Sadly, I'm one of them too.
My worth is determined by the numbers; the numbers of likes I have on my recent Instagram post, whether or not my weight has increased or decreased and whether my height was considered ideal.
I guess it's not that we want to live our life based on numbers but it's just how other people respond to your numbers that make you so self-aware.
Everyone wants to be somebody, right?
Till I write again,