Dear Love: You're worth more than the troubles ahead of us

by - Friday, January 12, 2018

So, they say that "the best relationships are the ones that you did not expect and the ones you did not saw coming" and I guess that's true.

To be honest, I never expect myself to fall for you this hard. I knew that you were a good guy from the start despite your appearance signaling otherwise but me being me, I had a lot of doubts and fears. I feared hurting myself and I feared hurting you.

The days (and months) before I finally let my walls down was hard for you and I blamed myself for it but just like you continuously tell me, what's done is done and there is nothing I can do about it. Despite it being very true, I can't help but feel apologetic and what did I do to deserve someone like you. I constantly wished that I had let my walls down earlier.

But what's done is done.

I eventually take my walls down and let you see through me hoping that I am not making yet another silly decision this time. I prayed saying that I didn't need 10 guys in my life. I only needed one; My one ride or die.

So it happened.

The more I allow myself to get to know you better and get near you, I was more convinced that my fears were all unnecessary. I hope I'll never have to tell myself otherwise.

When we first got together, I'll admit that there was still a gap between us. We were still at that stage where we are trying to adapt to one another and to know each other better. We knew the basics, probably enough to start a relationship but I wasn't sure if it was enough to maintain one.

At the early stages, I had my fears and you had yours. We weren't outspoken enough with each other's feelings and thoughts but I'm glad we eventually learned that communication was what we needed. We started to communicate with each other about our differences and similarities as well as adapt to each other's needs.

It took us quite awhile to really really get used to each other but we got there. When I look back sometimes, the difference is really quite shocking hahhaha. We're more like "bros" now than a couple.

7 months into this relationship and I learned to accept that we have days which are not that good. Not that good in a sense that we have misunderstandings or "bad chemistry" with each other but I'm glad we don't take it out in anger but through communication. I am still learning to be more outspoken and attentive. We can't expect to have 365 days of good days. Like you said, maintenance is needed in a relationship. It is needed in order for the ship to continue sailing. I learned that we don't have 24 hours in a day dedicated to each other and sometimes, you can't be there for me because you have your own things going on and vice versa. Sometimes it is hard for me and it still is but I have to learn as well. There are aplenty of things that I still need to learn; to be a better girlfriend, a better "bro", a better friend and last but not least a better partner.

7 months into being in this relationship with you and although it feels like we have come a long way since 2016 but I know that there will be more good times and most certainly bad times ahead of us but I will promise you that I will never give up on this relationship no matter how hard it gets because you're worth much more than the trouble ahead of us.

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